Today is another lazy day I am just going to be laying in bed eating a lot and watch some YouTube and probably FaceTime some of my friends and go on my computer and do homework but I finished already.
You're blogging a lot. You should start documenting what's going on outside too. What friends are saying, the news, social media, etc...document it all.
So school got canceled for a few weeks and so did sports and clubs I am in bored game club and of course you can’t go to clubs because the school is shut down but now the teachers make us do work when it is kinda hard because there is no teacher here to teach us how to do this stuff.
It has been really boring because we can’t really do anything I mean like you can go see your families and friends but when you have go home or if you can go over or something like that it’s really boring.
I am so bored I have nothing to do I don’t even get to like leave the house and it gets boring I want to go back to school but at the same time I don’t want to go to school. I don’t know what to do anymore i am just super bored.
You're blogging a lot. You should start documenting what's going on outside too. What friends are saying, the news, social media, etc...document it all.